
Michele Bachmann’s therapist husband: gays are ‘barbarians’ who need to be ‘educated, disciplined’

Michele Bachmann’s therapist husband: gays are ‘barbarians’ who need to be ‘educated, disciplined’

I think I may have just discovered why Michele Bachmann has such unnatural hatred and anger for gay men.

The following audio clip is from Michelle Bachmann’s therapist husband, Marcus Bachmann. Don’t just read the quote — listen to the audio with your best gaydar on. Then tell me, do you hear what I hear?

“We have to understand: barbarians [gays] need to be educated. They need to be disciplined. Just because someone feels it or thinks it doesn’t mean that we are supposed to go down that road. That’s what is called the sinful nature. We have a responsibility as parents and as authority figures not to encourage such thoughts and feelings from moving into the action steps.

“And let’s face it: what is our culture, what is our public education system doing today? They are giving full, wide-open doors to children, not only giving encouragement to think it but to encourage action steps. That’s why when we understand what truly is the percentage of homosexuals in this country, it is small. But by these open doors, I can see and we are experiencing, that it is starting to increase.”

Not to perpetuate gay stereotypes, but it sounds to me like Marcus would make a fine First Lady of the United States if nothing else.

On a more serious note than Mr. Bachmann’s flamer tendencies, it turns out that this therapist apparently eschews the dangerous practice of ‘repairative therapy.’ Here’s a description from a session he hosted at a pastor’s summit in 2005:

Marcus and Michele Bachmann

Curt Prins, a 35-year-old marketing executive from Minneapolis, attended. Prins, who is gay, says he went because he was “curious” and wanted to “understand the language” of the antigay movement.

“There was so much bile, I nearly had to leave,” Prins recalls. For Marcus Bachmann’s session, Prins says there were more than 100 people crammed in a room at Grace, and most of the presentation involved stereotypes of gays. “He was saying how homosexuality was a choice, that it was not genetics,” Prins says. “He was claiming there was a high predominance of sexual abuse in the GLBT community. There was no research to back any of this up.” (Marcus Bachmann refused to answer questions about the seminar.)

The climax of the presentation was when, according to Prins, Bachmann brought up “three ex-gays, like part of a PowerPoint presentation.” The trio, two white men and a black woman, all testified that they had renounced their homosexuality. “One of them said, ‘If I was born gay, then I’ll have to be born again,’” Prins recalls. “The crowd went crazy.”

“Listening to him,” Prins surmises, “it becomes clear that he’s had a huge impact on her. He might be the spearhead of this whole religious/gay issue.”

Compounding that, the Huffington Post this week put out an article alleging that Michele Bachmann had been using government funds to fund her husband’s clinic:

The previously unreported payments are on top of the $24,000 in federal and state funds that Bachmann & Associates, the clinic founded by Marcus Bachmann, a clinical therapist, received in recent years under a state grant to train its employees, state records show. The figures were provided to NBC News in response to a Freedom of Information request.


Michele Bachmann lists the Lake Elmo, Minn.-based clinic — which aims to provide “quality Christian counseling in a sensitive, loving environment,” according to its website — as one of her assets on her financial disclosure forms.

That begs the question — how much tax money has been spent to attempt to ‘lovingly eradicate’ homosexuality and ‘educate’ these ‘barbarians?’ Presidential candidate Bachmann has a lot of answering to do. Will the media hold her feet to the fire?

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