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Anti-gay Pope Benedict XVI’s bigoted and bizarre speech
Why are we even listening to the pronouncements of a “moral leader” who presides over a church that has spent billions of dollars to settle child molestation cases? The last thing hardworking, taxpaying, law abiding LGBT families need is to be scolded by the enablers of the child sexual abuse scandals.
Pope Benedict: Same-sex marriage threatens humanity
Pope Benedict XVI used his Monday “State of the World” address to condemn efforts around the world to extend marriage rights to same-sex couples, calling same-sex marriage a threat to “human dignity and the future of humanity itself.”
Tens of thousands gather in central London to protest against Pope Benedict XVI
LONDON — Tens of thousands of protesters gathered in central London on Saturday, angered by the Pope’s response to the child abuse scandal, his homophobic comments about gay relationships and his claims that condoms spread rather than prevent the spread of HIV and AIDS. The march proceeded from Hyde Park Corner through central London to […]
Pope Benedict confirms UK visit; attacks Britain’s proposed equality bill
The Vatican condemned Britain’s proposed equality law Monday, complaining that legislation to give homosexual equal rights “violates natural law”. From UK’s Times-Online: On the day Rome finally confirmed that the Pope would make a state visit to Britain this year, the Vatican launched an unprecedented attack on the human rights policies of Gordon Brown, claiming […]