The man behind ex-gay “conversion therapy” started out trying to make autistic children “normal”
Both projects were based on the same fundamental view: that it’s easier to change a child’s behavior than it is to destigmatize that behavior in society–whether it’s limp wrists or flapping hands.
‘Family values’ leaders are projecting their own fears and desires
Some opponents of trans rights project their own impulses of entering intimate spaces of another sex to fulfill erotic or prurient desires.
The Top 10 Ex-Gay Stories of 2011
In June, I penned a column, “The Fall of the Ex-Gay Myth,” which predicted that so-called “ex-gay” programs would crumble from internal rot. “It’s time for the discredited ‘ex-gay’ myth to simply go away and be rightfully viewed as an experiment that was tried and failed,” I wrote at the time. In the months since this column was written the decline of these “pray away the gay” organizations has only accelerated.
Boehner’s DOMA defense contains junk science, bad sources
On Monday it was discovered that one of the experts, Professor Lisa Diamond, cited by Speaker of the House John Boehner’s legal team in their defense of DOMA complained that her work was being distorted.
Hate group leader Tony Perkins distorts reality in defending Bachmann clinic
I tried not to laugh when I read Family Research Council President Tony Perkins’ column headlined, “Intolerant gays target Bachmann.” Perkins was referring to the undercover investigation by Truth Wins Out, that proved Marcus Bachmann lied when he claimed that his clinic did not practice “pray away the gay” therapy.
‘Sissy Boy Experiment:’ Reparative therapy still being used to ‘treat’ gay kids
In Thursday’s third and final installment of CNN’s special report, the “Sissy Boy Experiment,” Randi Kaye reports on how the research of Dr. George Rekers is still being used to ‘treat’ some gay kids and teens.
George Rekers responds to Kirk Murphy’s suicide in ‘Sissy Boy Experiment’
In this second installment of CNN’s special report, the “Sissy Boy Experiment,” Dr. George Rekers learns of Kirk Murphy’s suicide.
‘Sissy Boy Experiment’ examines 70’s-era therapy to make feminine boys masculine
In the 1970s, 5-year-old Kirk Murphy underwent therapy for his effeminate behavior — his parents enrolled him in a federally-funded experimental program at UCLA. Decades later, at age 38, he took his own life.
‘Rent boy’ describes anti-gay Christian leader’s sexual massages, another escort comes forward
The 20-year old “rent boy” that accompanied notoriously anti-gay Christian leader George Rekers on a Eurpoean vaction, told media outlets this week the he was contracted to provide his client with “sexual massages” in the nude.
Prominent anti-gay Christian leader takes European vacation with ‘rent boy’
A Christian leader and prominent neuro-psychiatrist who co-founded the notoriously anti-gay Family Research Council with evangelist James Dobson, took a ten-day European vacation with a callboy he met through RentBoy.com.