Election 2024

Mary Trump slams “broken person” Nikki Haley for endorsing her uncle Donald

Mary Trump
Mary Trump Photo: Screenshot/TikTok

Nikki Haley spent a large part of the Republican presidential primary attacking Donald Trump’s fitness to be president, and he made numerous personal attacks on her, including mocking her husband for serving in the military.

But that didn’t stop the former South Carolina governor and U.S. ambassador to the U.N. from endorsing Donald Trump. Donald Trump’s lesbian psychologist niece, Mary Trump, called Haley out for being a “broken person.”

“I just found out that, surprise surprise, Nikki Haley says that she’s going to vote for Donald Trump in November,” Mary Trump said in a video posted to TikTok. “So yet another Republican who has no integrity, no backbone, and who places her political future over anything else, including her spouse.”

“Let’s just remember that there is not one person left in the Republican party who is worth paying attention to, believing, or supporting. She’s disgraceful, and it just shows you what a broken human being all of these people are that they believe that their political futures… are completely dependent on the most broken person of all: Donald Trump.”


Nikki Haley is the Marco Rubio of Ted Cruzes. You know im right about that.

♬ original sound – Mary L Trump

In a separate video, Mary Trump called Haley the “Marco Rubio of Ted Cruzes.” She was likely referring to how Donald Trump insulted Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-TX) wife in 2016 and called Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) “Little Marco” and “no action Robot Rubio.” Both senators ended up endorsing Donald Trump.

Mary Trump was responding to Haley’s comments from Wednesday, in which she said that Donald Trump has “not been perfect” but that she will be voting for him in November.

“Trump has not been perfect on these policies. I’ve made that clear many, many times,” Haley said at an event at the conservative think tank Hudson Institute in D.C.. “But Biden has been a catastrophe.”

“So I will be voting for Trump. Having said that, I stand by what I said in my suspension speech.”

Haley was one of Donald Trump’s only primary opponents in 2024 to criticize him. She denounced Republicans who publicly supported Donald Trump while privately worrying about his ability to win the general election or govern effectively.

“In politics, the herd mentality is enormously strong,” she said before she suspended her campaign in March. “A lot of Republican politicians have surrendered to it.… Of course, many of the same politicians who now publicly embrace Trump privately dread him. They know what a disaster he’s been and will continue to be for our party. They’re just too afraid to say it out loud.”

In February, Haley called Donald Trump “diminished” — a reference to his possible cognitive decline — and said that he had become “unhinged.”

“The problem now is he is not the same person he was in 2016,” she said at the time. “He is unhinged; he is more diminished than he was, just like Joe Biden’s more diminished than what he was.”

In another speech in February, Haley said that she feels “no need to kiss the ring” of Donald Trump and that she has “no fear of Trump’s retribution.”

“Many of the same politicians who now publicly embrace Trump privately dread him,” Haley said in February. “They know what a disaster he’s been and will continue to be for our party. They’re just too afraid to say it out loud.”

One of those “unhinged” comments may have been when Donald Trump said that Haley’s husband Michael, who is deployed, should “come back home to help save her dying campaign” and that she is an “embarrassment” to him.

Trump's message posted to Truth Social

“You’re going to mock my husband, who’s deployed 8,000 miles away? What does that say about someone who wants to be commander-in-chief?” Haley responded at the time, months before she would endorse Donald Trump. “Because as a military spouse, it makes me worry about Michael’s safety. As someone who was in national security, it makes me worry about the future for our kids with him starting a war.”

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