News (USA)

Indiana launched an anti-LGBTQ+ tip line. Mayhem & memes started right away.

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Photo: Shutterstock

Indiana’s Attorney General Todd Rokita (R) launched a snitch line yesterday for people to report “political ideology” in schools. The aim is to intimidate teachers and administrators into nixing lessons about LGBTQ+ issues, Black history, women’s rights, and the usual GOP boogeymen. It only took minutes before the internet jumped in to spam the line.

The online form has been inundated with fake reports, memes, and photos. Similar failed snitch line attempts in Virginia and Missouri were eventually taken offline. But Rokita disapproves of recent history, he’s now learning how the internet works.

The GOP extremist was warned that the form would be used to promote dubious and discredited claims by conservatives and the religious right, along with jokes and memes by the web at large. But he barreled ahead with his half-baked idea.

Asked during an interview how his office would vet nonsense from the religious right and MAGA activists — like the ridiculous claims that schools were installing litterboxes to accommodate students who identify as cats — Rokita said, “This is what we do at the Attorney General’s office; we have investigators.”

He also added that “self-policing” would ensure integrity. It turns out, the internet is a lawless place full of vigilante justice and jokes.

How long will the snitch line last? Both Missouri and Virginia quickly yanked their version down after receiving similar responses.

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