
Gay-bashing, Obama-trashing, trans-banning, gorilla-loving comments

Gay-bashing, Obama-trashing, trans-banning, gorilla-loving comments

LGBTQNation readers know that even with our fair share of opponents spouting off, our comments section provides dialogue, discussion, fabulously outrageous and sometimes incendiary exchanges. Here are some of the best of this week:

After reading our article, Obama issues Pride month proclamationAside from Obama’s piece of paper, what are the consequences of Obama’s proclamation?”

This is why, flawed as he may be (and he is), he is nonetheless one of the best presidents America has had.”

But American135 wasn’t about to cede that point: “Sure, forget about the flat economy, the disasters in north Africa and the middle east, the hamstringing of the nation’s police departments, and his total disregard for the law.”

ProudToBeKevin summed up the majority of those commenting, writing: “President Obama sure came through for us, didn’t he? A lot of bold statements and steps. Was it all flawless, effortless, and universally beneficial? No. But, for a guy who made no real promises to do for us what he has done, he sure took us a long way toward true equality.”

Maya Dillard Smith
Maya Dillard Smith

Readers almost universally agreed on one point in my article, Georgia ACLU director quits over group’s support for trans rights: that Maya Dillard Smith made up her story of being confronted by three 6′-tall trans women when she was in the ladies room with her daughters.

Spider Monkey wrote: “Her story of three, large, deep-voiced, apparently masculine looking, transgender women all using a women’s restroom together and scaring little girls sounds absurdly far-fetched and contrived — by someone promoting her ‘organization’ called ‘Finding Middle Ground,’ the website for which was registered before she left the ACLU… The whole thing stinks of self-promotion of the worst kind, similar to the Morton Downey, Jr. stunt where he claimed to have been attacked in a restroom by neo-Nazis who painted a swastika on his face and tried to shave his head.”

YetAgain25 stood up for Dillard Smith: “She has the right to quit if she just can’t get herself to agree with the group on that issue. At least she has some integrity, whether you disagree or not.”

And Atimion aka Deborah Lipsitz felt Dillard Smith needed even more defending, and bring up that worn-out myth that male predators will use a law enshrining transgender citizens civil rights for perverse purposes, which has never, ever happened. Not once. That doesn’t matter, apparently to Atimion: “But whose to say she’s a bigot? She is a female who has every right to voice her concerns about the law. This law push bio-females rights back to the stone ages by making us third-class citizens. After fifty years of fighting for equality we are told if we voice concerns, we’re bigots and to shut-up and “deal with it”. It’s reverse discrimination against females to appease a few. This law allows males, dressed as male, to enter college bathrooms/locker rooms and showers without no legal recourse for bio-females. If you thing it’s ok, then you’re a misogynist.”

Here’s Jenifer Jones to shut that shit down, and oh, so well: “Oh I completely understand her concern for her children’s safety. It’s very similar to this concern overheard in the lady’s room back in 1964.

“Woman 1: ‘We can’t let those darkies have protection under the constitution, why if we do them black *!$@& will feel empowered and them horny Devils will runt rampant raping white women at will.’
“Woman 2 ‘oh lawd … We can’t have that … My god.’
“Woman 1: ‘ yes.. Why jus the other day I was near one and he just frightened the day lights out of me.’

“Woman 2: *shkes head*”

Ken Ham
Ken Ham

And if you thought that was something, read on as some of those commenting on our article, Religious loon: ‘sin-cursed’ gorilla had to die because it has no soulopined that the life of one child wasn’t worth more than that of the endangered creature shot and killed by Cincinnati Zoo workers in order to protect him.

Mark1115 aka Rachael asked: “Why is the life of the child more important than that of the rare, endangered gorilla?

“Considering that as a society, we sacrifice the lives of humans for personal profit, to acquire land and resources, for amusement – why was the life of the child more important than the endangered, rare gorilla?

“As a society, we kill children, or try to, by poisoning their water and air so some people can be even more obscenely rich than they already are. We endanger the lives of children by embracing gun violence as a way of life – kids die every year because we won’t regulate gun ownership. We drive children to suicide by mocking their sexuality, their gender identity, their looks, their religion, their ethnicity or race. We clearly do not really value children very much.

“What you are really saying is that gorilla is worth less to you than the children we as a society neglect, bully, starve, poison, rob and abuse.”

She wasn’t alone in that opinion. ProudToBeKevin focused on the creationist in the article, Ken Ham: “I wouldn’t consider him a “loon,” and found his blog post rather tame. His personal views on sin, homosexuality, evolution, and general history are all laughably ignorant. He’s actually quite right that a human life should hold higher respect than an animal life. The inattentive parents of the innocently curious boy should foot the bill for the gorilla that, in the moment, had to be killed. The gorilla is as innocent as the child. The zoo and the parents are to blame. Sin had nothing to do with it.”

Trauma surgeon Don’t forget….this atrocious theme park has been using public funds to build while not allowing gay people to work on it.”

Thanks for reading! I look forward to your comments this week and every week.


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