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‘Jesus single-handedly killed all the sodomites, annihilated them, caused Sodom and Gomorrah’

‘Jesus single-handedly killed all the sodomites, annihilated them, caused Sodom and Gomorrah’
Ravenously antigay activist Theodore Shoebat has been bucking up against other homophobic pundits for many months — even since Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality tried to excise footage of Shoebat from an antigay documentary because his views were far too radical. Featured in Janet Porter’s 2015 film “Light Wins,” Shoebat was featured alongside a slew of antigay activists, members of Congress, and Republican presidential candidates. Around the time Right Wing Watch posted clips of Shoebat passionately asking that all gays be summarily put to death, LaBarbera very much wanted Shoebat edited out of the film. This displeased Shoebat a great deal, and he immediately ran to his YouTube page to post a video that called LaBarbera a “filthy pig” and a “traitor.” The corrosive, conservative catfight got even bitchier after Shoebat’s recent claim that Jesus would have rolled up his sleeves and personally beaten gays to death, which LaBarbera thought was perhaps too extreme for even an extremist; a view shared by fellow homophobic activist Michael Brown. With the timing of a soap opera twist, Shoebat’s father now enters the fray. Walid Shoebat is a supposed “ex-terrorist” (?) who posted a screechy screed on his own website, which attacks LaBarbera, Brown, Matt Barber, and a bunch of other creepos. He accuses them all of worshipping gay blogger Joe Jervis of instead of, you know, the God who hangs out in the clouds in the flowing toga:
So how much will the Evangelical movement in the United States go to please the LGBT agenda? When posted this video on four homosexual wrestlers who raped two boys calling for a death penalty for these rapists, it upset one blaspheming homosexual and Right Wing Watch. These taunted the Evangelical movement causing an uproar with top level leaders calling on them to denounce They quickly lined up to show their support and denounced for calling for the “death penalty” for gay rapists. Several Evangelical leaders began hurling denunciations and articles against our infamous Theodore Shoebat for his views calling for the death penalty for rapists and child molesters. According to these Evangelical leaders, calling for the death penalty for gay rapists, gay child molesters is ‘unchristian’. The heavyweights from Calvinist John Piper to Dr. Michael Brown, Peter LaBarbera (1), Matt Barber and others were irate at Theodore’s remarks. Who controls these leaders? One major gay activist who wraps Evangelical scholars around his finger gives himself the blasphemous title as “Joe My God,” so that when they twitter him they would blaspheme calling him “My God” instead of Christ. The trick stems from when Caesar wanted the Christian world to address him as kyrios (My lord) which St. Paul denounced by stating “that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord” (Philippians 2:11), that is that Christ is Kyrios not Caesar. But now, this sodomite blasphemer, Joe, has become their god instead. To please Joe the Blasphemer they go as far as lining up to denounce the young Shoebat for calling for the death penalty to even twisting arms to scrub and edit out Theodore’s contribution in an anti-gay documentary.

Shoebat Sr. then defends his son’s claim that Jesus would lovingly murder all gays, saying that Christ himself carried out the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah in his infinitely bearded wisdom.

Did Jesus kill gays? Nothing was ever said in this silly half-baked article that in the Bible it is as clear as the sun, Jesus killed the sodomites. Most modern theologians intentionally overlook and refuse to disclose that some of the best passages of scripture ever used regarding the Trinity and the Theophany is within the context when Christ completely annihilated the sodomites.

Anyone who denies this ask them: was it Christ Who met with Abraham and announced the destruction of Sodom? In Genesis Abraham is visited by three figures, one of whom he refers to as “My Lord” (Genesis 18:3), and Who Scripture calls “the LORD” (Genesis 18:17).

No sane theologian would argue that this person wasn’t Christ. After much feasting, Christ and the other two men left Abraham to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah (see Genesis 18:21-22). Christ even referred to His meeting with Abraham in the New Testament when He said:“Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day, and he saw it and was glad” (John 8:56, also see St. Gregory as recorded by St. Aquinas, Catena Aurea). It was so clear in scripture that it was Christ Who killed ‘the gays.’”

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