News (USA)

Marco Rubio complains about being called a ‘bigot’ over antigay stance

Marco Rubio complains about being called a ‘bigot’ over antigay stance

Florida Senator Marco Rubio, once considered a moderate Republican, complained to “Face The Nation” host John Dickerson on Sunday that he is being portrayed as a “bigot and hater” for his stance against marriage equality. The presidential hopeful has recently tacked to the right in an attempt to woo religious right voters.

“People who hold traditional values are often described as bigots and haters,” Rubio told Dickerson. When pressed by the host to say who was calling him a bigot, Rubio tried to generalize his answer and escape naming anyone specific. “Everybody on the left if you do not support their definition of marriage.”

Dickerson continued his line of questioning though, asking Rubio to further clarify his assertion. Did President Obama call him a bigot?

“Certainly the President has on occasion said that people who don’t support same-sex marriage are wrong… but I’ve been called a bigot for not supporting the definition of marriage,” Rubio replied.

The senator has recently swung to the more extreme side of the political spectrum when it comes to LGBT issues.

Over the past month, he has announced he would appoint conservative Supreme Court justices specifically so they would overturn the recent decision legalizing same-sex marriage, said he would repeal an executive order that prevents discrimination against LGBT people, and claimed that “God’s rules” trump the Supreme Court.

Last week Rubio signed a pledge by the nationally recognized hate group Family Research Council to support a bill that would allow people and businesses to cite their religious beliefs as justification to discriminate against LGBT people.

Watch below as Rubio complains on “Face The Nation” that his discriminatory language is coming back to haunt him.

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