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Matt Bevin is Kentucky’s new governor. Here’s 5 reasons that’s bad for the LGBTQ community.

Matt Bevin is Kentucky’s new governor. Here’s 5 reasons that’s bad for the LGBTQ community.
Fellow Republican Mitch McConnell calls him a “pathological liar.” He thinks fellow Tea Party activists are the new “abolitionists, suffragists, and civil rights leaders.” And on Tuesday night, Republican Matt Bevin beat Attorney General Jack Conway against the odds by a 52.5 percent to 43.8 percent margin, thus getting elected Kentucky’s next governor. The win isn’t just bad news for Kentucky Democrats, either. Here’s five reasons Bevin’s surprise win is a particularly troubling development for the LGBTQ community: 1. He Thinks Same-Sex Marriage Will Lead To Parents Marrying Their Children Right Wing Watch reports that in 2014, Bevin appeared on The Janet Mefferd Show, where he ranted against “judicial activism,” and assured the anti-gay talk show host that he’d be a powerful opponent of marriage equality in the Senate, asking her:
“Where do you draw the line? If it’s all right to have same-sex marriages, why not define a marriage — because at the end of the day a lot of this ends up being taxes and who can visit who in the hospital and there’s other repressions and things that come with it — so a person may want to define themselves as being married to one of their children so that they can then in fact pass on certain things to that child financially and otherwise. Where do you draw the line?” “And if in fact a person can arbitrarily draw it here, why not could someone else draw it arbitrarily somewhere else? There needs to be rule of law. Marriage has for millennia been defined as that between a man and a woman universally.”
2. He’d Rather The Government Get Out Of “The Marriage Business” Altogether Than Allow Same-Sex Marriage After the Supreme Court’s Obergefell ruling, Bevin was hardly reticent about voicing his displeasure, penning a long-winded diatribe on his website in which he promises to protect the rights of religious county clerks. “It is understood that Kentucky must uphold the new law and find a way to process and recognize same-sex marriage,” he writes. “However, that does not mean we must do so at the expense of the constitutionally afforded religious liberties of other Kentucky citizens.”
“Ultimately, I believe the government should be out of the marriage business altogether. We can comply with the law while protecting our citizens’ rights to freedom of religion simply by separating the religious covenant of marriage from the legal, contractual relationship established by marriage as recognized by the state. The two are separate and they should be treated as such. Two consenting adults should not need to ask for permission from the government to enter into a contractual relationship – a license should not be needed. As with other contracts, the government’s role should be limited to recording, interpreting, or enforcing such contracts in times of dispute.
3. He Has Friends In High Places Who Are Highly Homophobic. As an example of just how anti-gay Bevin is, it’s worth noting that his candidacy was endorsed by Erick Erickson, the far right wing Fox Fews contributor and Red State editor-in-chief. As The New Civil Rights Movement notes, a solid example of Erickson’s toxic views on homosexuality are neatly summed up in an editorial piece he wrote in February for Red State, in which he seriously suggests that the “divide between Islamic extremists and gay rights extremists is death.” 10457774_872145509568428_3710121650771131528_n 4. Speaking Of Friends, Bevin And Kim Davis Are Thicker Than Thieves Unlike Pope Francis, Matt Bevin really did give Kim Davis his “absolute” backing. Speaking of her refusal to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, he said, “I absolutely support her willingness to stand on her First Amendment rights. Without any question, I support her. Following her arrest, Bevin visited her in prison (along with Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz), once again posted his opinion to his website, reiterating his proposition to get the government out of the marriage biz forever:
“It is utterly unnecessary that Rowan County clerk, Kim Davis, is sitting in a jail cell, when there is a simple solution that would respect the rights of every Kentuckian. I first put this solution forward many weeks ago. Why the cowardly silence from our Attorney General, Jack Conway? Jack Conway violated his oath of office as Attorney General when he refused to defend our state in court. Where was our Governor then demanding his resignation? The double standard applied in this case is reprehensible.”
In the below clip, things get heated as CNN’s Don Lemon asks Bevin to comment on Kim Davis’ hypocrisy regarding the “sanctity” of marriage. Bevin limply argues that her past actions are moot since she’s now converted to Christianity: