News (USA)

BREAKING: Reckoning nears for clerk resisting same-sex marriage ruling

BREAKING: Reckoning nears for clerk resisting same-sex marriage ruling
Rowan County Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis
Rowan County Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis Timothy D. Easley, AP

MOREHEAD, Kentucky (AP) — A court-imposed stay has expired for a Kentucky county clerk who defied a judge’s order to issue same-sex marriage licenses.

Unless the nation’s highest court intervenes on her behalf, Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis on Tuesday will have to choose whether to issue marriage licenses, defying her Christian conviction, or continue defying a federal judge who could fine her or send her to jail.

Mat Staver, a lawyer representing Davis, said “she’s going to have to think and pray about her decision overnight.”

Davis stopped issuing marriage licenses after the U.S. Supreme Court legalized gay marriage across the nation. Four couples sued her. A federal judge ordered her to issue the licenses, and an appeals court upheld that decision. Her lawyers appealed to the Supreme Court on Friday.

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