News (USA)

Ninth Circuit rejects Alaska’s appeal for 11-judge review of gay marriage ruling

Ninth Circuit rejects Alaska’s appeal for 11-judge review of gay marriage ruling

ANCHORAGE, Alaska — The state of Alaska has lost another attempt to reinstate a ban on same-sex marriage, and Gov.-elect Bill Walker has changed his stance on the issue.

AlaskaThe Fairbanks Daily News-Miner reports the federal appeals court for the West rejected the state’s request that an 11-judge panel review the district court decision that found the state’s ban unconstitutional.

The state could appeal again to the federal court or to the U.S. Supreme Court. The state has spent more than $100,000 defending the ban.

As a candidate, Walker said he wouldn’t pursue costly litigation with little chance of success, even though he personally believes marriage should be between a man and a woman.

But now his spokeswoman says Walker wants a proper analysis before making any decision on the lawsuit.

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