
Former Bush Administration official: How gays are worse than murderers

Former Bush Administration official: How gays are worse than murderers

Former Bush administration official Robert R. Reilly is out with a new book called “Making Gay Okay: How Rationalizing Homosexual Behavior Is Changing Everything,” which has won endorsements from John Eastman of the National Organization for Marriage and ex-gay therapist Joseph Nicolosi.

Robert R. Reilly
Robert R. Reilly

Reilly appeared on “The Janet Mefferd Show” Thursday to explain that gay people are worse than murderers, who at least feel remorse for their crimes.

Reilly Gays Worse Than Murderers

After the person murders someone or looks at pornography, they come to see that what they did was actually wrong, they can’t excuse it and moral order is restored and they’re contrite for having done so. But what if you organize your life around something that is wrong? Then you must construct a more permanent rationalization that prevents your conscience from returning to tell you that you’ve just done something profoundly wrong.

This is exactly the case with active homosexuals, now extended to homosexual marriage, where they have to say that wrong is right and not only is it right but it’s normative, morally normative, so we need to teach it, we need to bless it in marriages, we need to ordain it in churches and we need to enforce it in our laws. And that is what is happening.

He went on to allege that marriage equality — or as he called it earlier in the interview, “sodomitical marriage” — is “an act of injustice” because it robs people of “the goods” from opposite-sex relationships.

Reilly Gay Marriage An Injustice

When you take the goods proper to a marriage, which exactly can only exist between a man and a woman because those sexual powers are unitive and procreative, therefore only the relationship between a man and a woman can be spousal. Now when you take the goods and the obligations proper to that state of marriage and transfer them to two men or two women, that is an act of injustice.

You are giving the goods to something — you are not behaving toward that thing according to what it is, which is not a marriage because it can’t be unitive and it can’t be procreative. So you’re lying, you’re creating an unreality and assigning to something a good which it doesn’t deserve. It’s a fraud.

Reilly explained that homosexuality is intrinsically wrong and a misuse of “sexual powers.”

Reilly Gays Misuse ‘Sexual Powers’

“The sexual act in homosexual in males is sodomy, and how could an unchaste act be a source of fidelity?” Reilly said. “That’s a contradiction in terms.”


“That’s as absurd as saying the eye isn’t for seeing. Who are you to say the eye is for seeing or the ear is for hearing? It’s not we who say that, it’s the eye that lets us know when we examine it. And we can’t just forget just because we get below the waist that all of the sudden, ‘Well, who knows what these organs are for?’ It’s some sort of epistemological amnesia: ‘Who could imagine what our sexual powers are for?’”

But he ended the interview on a high note, declaring that Americans will begin to fight back against this “highly disordered, immoral act.”

Reilly US Will Rebel Against Gay Rights

Reilly: What is the nature of this act of sodomy? We can only judge the nature of that act when we examine the nature and purpose of our sexual powers. Just through our reason we can know that this is a highly disordered, immoral act and a profound misuse of our sexual powers, which is why it has been condemned in Western civilization for 4,000 years, and not just in Western civilization.

Mefferd: So what do you think is ahead for our country? Do you have any expectation at all that the United States will one day wake up and say, ‘Wait a second, we’ve been had, we need to really fight this.’

Reilly: Yes, I think that will happen, it’s just a matter of how much damage will be done before it happens. This will fail because it is against nature. Its principal enemy is reality.

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