
No political party will ever regulate love

No political party will ever regulate love

No matter who gets elected in November – no matter who makes the laws – no matter what religious zealots say; there is no one on the face of this earth, or any other earth, who will ever be able to regulate with whom a person falls in love.

Same-sex people, people from different races, people of different religions, young and old, old and young, even a woman and a man – folks are going to fall in love and enter into some sort of relationship. You cannot regulate love – no matter how hard you may try – you simply can’t tell people who to love.

The Republicans and some of the Christian crazies would like you to believe that if gays are given the freedom to marry, we will destroy life in this United States of America. How did they know that along with my penny loafers and button-down Oxford shirts, I have my light saber and my Wonder Woman suit in my closet just waiting for the right moment to “come out” and take over the United States?

I can’t speak for the entire gay community; however I don’t believe we are trying to end this straight life that you value so much. We aren’t trying to regulate who you love or who you marry or even how many times you can marry. We aren’t trying to burn your churches or change your religion. Believe what you will – worship whoever or whatever you will – simply leave it out of my bedroom and out of my government.

Republicans keep saying they want smaller government and yet – there they are hovering like a helicopter mom over my bedroom, and because I’m a woman – they are now hovering at my doctor’s office and they are loading the bombs to drop at my local Planned Parenthood. That’s not smaller government – that’s intrusive government.

Republicans and Churches like to expound on the belief that we are forcing gay marriage onto Americans. Okay… Are you not forcing your religion onto Americans? I won’t force you to be gay if you won’t force me to be a Christian.

We in the gay community want to be recognized as humans with feelings and the ability to have a stable, loving, responsible relationship – a marriage – if you will.

We are told that children need a mother and a father to be raised properly – Okay – you tell that to the children who are beaten and sexually abused on a daily basis by straight men and women – you tell them they need to stay there and be abused because it would be much worse for them to be in the home of a loving gay or lesbian couple who long for a child.

Who are these people who make these assumptions about what constitutes a family? Who are they to judge? Mostly – why do people listen to them?

This election is about a choice; for gays it’s a choice between moving forward to a more open more accepting future or moving back and having to fight battles that our brothers and sisters fought long ago.

I put it in the perspective of me staying in the big diverse city of San Diego with my partner of 30 years and our family and friends who love and support us or… moving back to the little Pennsylvania town where I was born and raised; Where some of my family has followed me around reading scripture to me in a desperate attempt to save my homosexual soul, while spouting the talking points of the day which they heard on Fox News.

Of course, that’s not really a choice for me — common sense and self-respect have me living in San Diego and having very little contact with my family.

No matter how they all tried – in the end no one could regulate or change my love for Susan. Love always wins – always. Why would we not want a government that supports love? Why would we want a government that tries to regulate who we love and who we sleep with and when we have children and how we care for our own bodies?

It’s your choice who you vote for – I would hope you would choose freedom, love, compassion, and equality. Please choose wisely…

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