
Linda Harvey dubs same-sex relationships ‘pathetic’ and ‘lifeless’

Linda Harvey dubs same-sex relationships ‘pathetic’ and ‘lifeless’

Mission America’s Linda Harvey almost always dedicates her radio show to denouncing the gay community, and Saturday’s program was no different as she blasted gay parents as “pathetic” and selfish for not raising children with two parents of the opposite sex.

Linda Harvey

Later in the program, she insisted that gays and lesbians can have the freedom to marry if they would only join her “ex-homosexual” friends who have “grabbed onto that freedom to marry, at least in theory.”

Otherwise, Harvey laments that they will be stuck in “lifeless” relationships:

Linda Harvey 061812

Yes people can love kids but a lot of times these — I would say the vast majority of the time — these homosexual-headed households as being featured in the JC Penney ads or the Gap billboard ads for Father’s Day, they are thinking about themselves much more than they are the kids.

If they thought about the kids they would know that this child would grow up with an ache and a hole in their heart for mom if it’s two dads heading the households; if it’s two moms, they will grow up with an ache and a hole in their heart, aching to know their father. It’s just pathetic when adults construct something that is so adult-centered and just neglects the purposes of the child and of marriage.


Friends, educate everyone you know out there with the truth: they have the freedom to marry. Every ex-homosexual I know has grabbed onto that freedom to marry, at least in theory, some of them are not married but many of them now are married to someone of the opposite sex because that is marriage.

A homosexual marriage can never be consummated, number one, the anatomy doesn’t work.

Big clue, people who love each other homosexually or believe they do, can never create under any scenario their own child together, there is no life in that relationship. In case we are being very dense and people are being very dense about this, we humans tend to be dense about things anyway but this is one more way, it’s a big clue: it is a lifeless relationship.

Also from Right Wing Watch:

American Family Association spokesman Bryan Fischer predicted that the Boy Scouts would not end their anti-gay policy because doing so would “mean the end of the Boy Scouts” since parents would never allow their children to join unless they are positive that “homosexual pedophiles like this Jerry Sandusky” were being kept out of the organization. Read more (video included)

And Jim Garlow compares those opposing marriage equality today to Revolutionary War pastors who fought the British because, just like them, these Religious Right activists are are willing declare “if necessary, here we die!” Read more

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