Is voter supression going to prevent trans citizens from exercising their rights?
In a tight election year, every vote counts – which is why Republicans are no doubt pleased that voter ID laws disenfranchise transgender voters.
A trans woman was forced to show ID to vote because her face “doesn’t match” her name
Her state doesn’t require voter ID, but she was singled out because she’s transgender.
California will be the first state to train poll workers on transgender voters
California wants to ensure that transgender and non-binary people can vote.
Will Hillary’s hometown choose this woman to be NY’s 1st elected trans official?
Former TV reporter turned private attorney Kristen Browde joins 11 other transgender candidates for office nationwide.
The GOP is trying to suppress 34,000 transgender voters today
An estimated 34,000 trans voters may find it impossible to cast a ballot today because they can’t clear hurdles imposed by voter ID laws.