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Russian police seize school children’s drawings as ‘homosexual propaganda’
A school’s art contest honoring tolerance may get them in trouble with the law.
He came out to 1500 people at his Catholic school’s assembly. The reaction was priceless.
“Announcing yourself to the world is pretty terrifying. What if the world doesn’t like you?”
How did this school get labeled ‘Gay nightclub for teens’ in Google?
The school said that whoever is responsible will be punished.
A student threatened to bomb his high school to ‘cleanse’ it of LGBT kids
He tweeted his threat against “everyone that’s not straight or Christian.”
This amazing dad put on nail polish to support his 5-year-old son
A kid was bullied at school because of his nail polish. So his dad showed he supported him.
Keira Knightley was called ‘disgusting’ for going to prom with another girl
She went to prom with a girlfriend and school administrators were less than welcoming.
This teacher says he was forced to quit because he had to call trans students by their name
He says his freedom of speech was violated because his employer told him he couldn’t call students by their last names as a “compromise.”
This teenager has to fight to be called by name at his graduation ceremony
“What are we talking about here, 10 seconds? But it’s probably one of the 10 most important seconds of his life.”
Gavin Grimm won: Court says schools can’t discriminate against trans students
Not even the Trump Administration could stop his federal court case.
These two students took down an anti-LGBTQ high school administration
The school made victims read the Bible and told them they were going to hell when they complained about bullying. Now the staff is going to the unemployment office.