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Activists: Gays are leading us to the downfall of civilization
“The gay, lesbian, transgender lifestyle is nothing but a return to a pagan ethic.”
Pentagon will start dismantling military’s transgender ban on Monday
The goal is to have transgender troops added to the ranks within the next six months.
Military announces plan to lift transgender ban
Defense Secretary Ash Carter has ordered a six-month study aimed at formally ending one of the last gender- or sexuality-based barriers to military service, saying the Pentagon’s current regulations banning transgender individuals from serving in the military need to be examined.
Defense Department adds sexual orientation to non-discrimination policy
Defense Secretary Ashton Carter’s announcement made no reference to transgender service members, who are still banned from serving openly.
Defense Secretary selects Eric Fanning as first openly gay Pentagon Chief of Staff
U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter has selected former acting Air Force Secretary Eric Fanning as his Chief of Staff, and the first openly gay man to hold the post.
Pentagon releases ‘human goals’ charter that excludes transgender civilian workers
WASHINGTON — The Pentagon on Monday released its Human Goals Charter, a document that outlines the guiding principles for the treatment of Department of Defense uniform and civilian workforce that, for the first time, affirms gay and lesbian military service members.
Hagel: All states complying with new rules regarding same-sex spouse IDs
WASHINGTON — The Pentagon says that all states are now complying with new rules allowing the same-sex spouses of military members to get ID cards in order to claim benefits.
Texas National Guard to allow same-sex couples to register for benefits
SAN ANTONIO — The Texas National Guard will immediately begin letting same-sex couples register for benefits.
Hagel blasts states for defying Pentagon policy on same-sex spousal benefits
WASHINGTON — Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel on Thursday sharply criticized U.S. states that are defying the Pentagon by refusing to allow National Guard facilities to issue ID cards that enable same-sex spouses of military members to claim benefits.
Okla. governor tells National Guard to deny benefits to same-sex couples
OKLAHOMA CITY — Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin has ordered the National Guard to stop processing requests for military benefits for same-sex couples.