Donald Trump’s success before the Supreme Court is a scary preview of his second term
The conservative justices seem inclined to grant a Republican president almost unlimited immunity to do anything.
Five key takeaways from the Supreme Court’s anti-LGBTQ decision
The ruling was inevitable, the product of years of effort by the right to favor conservative Christians at the expense of LGBTQ+ rights.
The Supreme Court’s reputation is shattered thanks to its conservative justices
With a complete disregard for basic ethics, Samuel Alito and company have destroyed the public’s trust in the Court.
Justice Neil Gorsuch angrily calls anti-discrimination training a “reeducation program”
“Like being taught not to discriminate against LGBTQ is the same as being sent to a gulag.”
4 Supreme Court justices attended celebration of powerful anti-LGBTQ legal group
The Federalist Society wants to end same-sex marriage because homosexuals are “promiscuous” and gay men raising children are a “social experiment.”
The Supreme Court ruling in a prayer case is a very bad sign for nondiscrimination protections
The right-wing justices say expressions of faith are “indispensable,” suggesting that nondiscrimination laws aren’t.
The Supreme Court’s new attack on the right to privacy was planned for 50 years
30% of all circuit judges in the country were appointed by the Federalist Society and will serve for life. That is at least 40 years of a court system dominated by a university club turned conservative powerhouse.
Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch defies Chief Justice Roberts’ request to wear a mask
Justice Sonia Sotomayor, who has an increased risk of dying from COVID, hasn’t been able to attend arguments since she sits next to Gorsuch on the bench.
The right turns on “cringing little liberal” Brett Kavanaugh for ruling in favor of vaccine mandate
The right has soured on the Supreme Court justice, disappointed that instead of being a full Trump crusader, he’s trying to actually be a conservative legal jurist.
Supreme Court judge says gay rights case proves vaccine mandate is illegal
Justice Niel Gorsuch wrote in his opinion that people have a similar right to a religious exemption from COVID-19 vaccine mandates as anti-gay bakers do to refuse gay couples.