Narcissistic demagogues will devour this country if we don’t educate ourselves & vote
Democracy demands our personal responsibility to critically examine our politicians so we can make truly informed decisions.
Rand Paul: Same-sex marriage is the result of a ‘moral crisis’ in America
“Don’t always look to Washington to solve anything. In fact, the moral crisis we have in our country, there is a role for us trying to figure out things like marriage…”
Catholic archdiocese of Cincinnati to tweak teacher contract morality clauses
The contract still prohibits teachers from “any conduct or lifestyle” that would contradict Catholic teachings or morals.
Teachers criticize Catholic school contracts that regulate their private lives
OAKLAND, Calif. — The Roman Catholic Dioceses in Oakland and Cincinnati have come under fire for new morality clauses that require teachers to conform to church teachings in their private lives.
Scalia: Homosexuality is a moral issue that people, not judges, should decide
ASHEVILLE, N.C. — Just days before the U.S. Supreme Court is expected to rule on two landmark cases involving same-sex marriage, Justice Antonin Scalia on Friday cited homosexuality as a moral issue that the American people, not judges, should decide.
Kuwait: Mass arrest of people accused of ‘vice’ and ‘immorality’
KUWAIT CITY, Kuwait — Kuwaiti media organizations report that almost 150 people were arrested over the weekend for “immoral” behavior, including four gay men and two transgender women.
The Moral Predators
I have found that nothing melts resistance to homosexuality faster than just showing that you are as human as anyone else. Strangely enough, effeminacy, sensitivity, “camp” or “affectedness,” as my grandmother called it, are not indicative of homosexual men…
First Mistress?
Will someone in the Republican Party please tell me how this scheming, cheating couple that made a mockery of family values is remotely conservative? They had a secretive, sleazy affair that they hid for years until they could no longer conceal it.
NOM: Marriage equality will create a ‘moral wasteland,’ normalize pedophilia
The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) has been on its best behavior since early December, when it was forced to explain several posts it promoted that linked homosexuality to child molestation. For the past month, the organization has stuck to covering the Iowa primary, asking its supporters for donations, and even commenting on Katy Perry’s […]
Gallup: Majority of Americans believe gay relations ‘morally acceptable’
More insights from Gallup’s annual Values and Beliefs poll, conducted May 5-8, revealed that 56 percent of Americans consider gay and lesbian relations morally acceptable, the highest Gallup has measured since this question was first asked in 2001.