Christian leader wants to ‘re-horrify’ gay people so America will hate us again
After using us as the boogeyman for decades, the religious right doesn’t want to give up the tactic without a fight.
This crazy woman wants to trademark the rainbow because gays have ‘raped’ it
“The sweet rainbow image has been violated.”
Religious right leader: Trump should investigate gay groups for ‘corrupting’ kids
No one tell her, but he doesn’t seem to be a big fan of special investigators right now.
Hate group leader: ‘Spiteful lesbian lawyers calling the shots’ in pro sports
If you’re looking for a vehement bigot, Linda Harvey, leader of the hate group Mission: America, never disappoints.
Linda Harvey attacks Target for ‘pushing deviance and perversion’
On her “Mission America” radio program Wednesday, Linda Harvey weighed in on the National Organization for Marriage’s boycott of Target in response to the company’s filing of a court brief in support of marriage equality. Harvey echoed NOM in taking particular issue with Target’s characterization of same-sex marriage bans as “bans” and “discrimination.”
‘Ex-Gay’ activist claims schools teach kids that ‘gay sex is wonderful’
On the weekend edition of Linda Harvey’s “Mission: America” radio program, ex-gay activist David Kyle Foster phoned in to discuss his documentary, “Such Were Some of You,” a wide-eyed account of the temptations of the “homosexual lifestyle” and the great lengths people have undertaken to renounce their homosexuality.
The five worst religious right claims about safe schools initiatives
In honor of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network’s Day of Silence today – an annual event meant to draw attention to the “silencing effects” of anti-gay harassment and name-calling in schools – Right Wing Watch is re-releasing a collection of some of the most troubling recent claims from the Religious Right about safe schools initiatives.
Seven more groups now designated by SPLC as anti-gay hate groups
The Southern Poverty Law Center has added seven more anti-gay organizations to its list of anti-gay hate groups. No doubt the standard whine of these groups will be the same one offered up by the Family Research Council when SPLC named it as a hate group a while back, i.e. “we are being attacked because we don’t believe in gay marriage, we are trying to preserve Christian morality, we are being silenced.” That whine was a lie then and is still a lie…
Harvey: Homosexuality is like anorexia, gay people just think they’re gay
Linda Harvey of Mission America joined the American Family Association’s Tim Wildmon and Ed Vitagliano on Friday for a riveting discussion about homosexuality and Harvey’s new book, “Maybe He’s Not Gay: Another View on Homosexuality.”