GOP freaks out after Air Force memo says service members can include pronouns in email signatures
Republicans are, of course, denouncing the policy.
Out Major General Tammy Smith retires after 35 years of service
In 1778, George Washington had a soldier drummed out of the military for sodomy. 243 years later, the Fife and Drum Corps, Honor Guard Company, and the Commander-in-Chief’s Guard were all there to celebrate a lesbian general’s retirement.
GOP candidate says transgender equality will close military base in bizarre, desperate new ad
“Cunningham and Pelosi passed a law requiring transgendered equality in the military, a liberal mandate that will close” a Marine Corps base.
Pentagon delays opening military to transgender recruits
The former Defense Secretary thought the military would be ready for trans people this week, but they have gotten a delay from the new Defense Secretary.
Military to seek another delay in opening doors to trans people
The military was supposed to be ready for transgender recruits next week, but they’re trying to push that deadline back.
Army & Marines Corps want to delay transgender recruitment policy
The Navy, however, is ready to roll.