Trans woman says Maryland imprisoned her with cis man who sexually assaulted her
Chelsea Gilliam says officers repeatedly misgendered her and only allowed her out of solitary confinement for five hours a week.
Inmate who murdered the trans woman he was forced to room with is sentenced to death
Correction officers removed Carmen Guerrero’s friendly bunkmate, and bought in one that promised to kill her if roomed with her. He followed through.
170 trans inmates are suing out Gov. Jared Polis for rape & assault in Colorado’s prisons
Often transgender women are placed in solitary confinement “for their own protection,” something which is tantamount to psychological torture.
Gay inmate dies of suicide after jail officials allegedly join inmates in month of nonstop torment
He was awaiting trial on misdemeanor charges. Now his partner is suing, saying officials deliberately ignored all the warning signs.
LGBTQ prisoners held in ‘alternative lifestyle isolation tanks’ win million dollar lawsuit
Inmates were held in their cells up to 23 hours a day without access to specialized programming, social interaction or other outside activities.
Trans inmate sent to male facility as punishment for having sex with other women
That is not a punishment. Sending her to prison is the punishment. Sending her to a men’s facility is an act of cruelty.