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The never ending parade of ‘hate’ in the news: A sad reality
“I’m getting real sick and tired of seeing all the hate themed articles make the news and not the successes of gay rights. I’m just sick of all the hate we harbor and why we can’t see everyone as equal.” The above comment was posted in response to Friday’s brief article that reported American Family […]
Hate group spokesman: Gays are the ‘#1 perpetrators of hate crimes in America’
Yesterday, we reported Bryan Fischer, the openly bigoted Director of Analysis for Government and Policy for the certified hate group American Family Association, says — quite simply — that gays are Nazis.
American Family Association’s Bryan Fischer: ‘Gays are Nazis’
Bryan Fischer, the openly bigoted Director of Analysis for Government and Policy for the anti-gay hate group American Family Association, says — quite simply — that gays are Nazis.
Home Depot promoting the ‘gay agenda’ — hate group AFA launches boycott
The anti-gay hate group American Family Association is calling for a nationwide boycott against the Home Depot because it says the home improvement retailer continues to ” promote the homosexual agenda.”
American Family Association: ‘Homosexual activist groups are pushing a lifestyle that kills’
I’ll have to admit, I was stunned and left speechless at the very callous and uncaring way that quote was so causally tossed into the public discourse by the spokesman for the so called American Family Association’s radio network, Bryan Fischer.
Hate… When does it stop?
Last week, the Family Research Council was included in a list of 13 hate groups because, as the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Intelligence Report explains, the group has “continued to pump out demonizing propaganda aimed at homosexual and other sexual minorities.” This, also, is according to the Advocate and countless other LGBTQ & mainstream media […]
Report: gays more likely to be victims of violent hate crime; identifies 13 anti-gay ‘hate groups’
Gays and lesbians are far more likely to be victims of a violent hate crime than any other minority group in the United States, according to a new analysis of federal hate crime statistics released Monday by Southern Poverty Law Center.