Group that partnered with Lil Nas X for Satan Shoes is serving Chick-fil-A on Sundays for $6.66
Is this a case of “HELL YES!” or “GOD NOOOOOOO!”? The art collective wants everyone to Eat Mor Chikin on holy days.
Gay lawmakers want Chick-fil-A banned from the New York Thruway’s rest areas
The New York State Thruway Authority will spend $450 million to modernize the system to include popular fast food chains.
Chick-fil-A vs Popeye’s: America is eggscited about The Great Chicken War of 2019
Watching hate chicken get trounced by another fast food sandwich is poultry in motion.
Texas Governor signs law to ‘save’ fast food chain best known for antigay donations
Not that Chick-fil-A was in any danger, of course. It’s just a stupid way for Governor Greg Abbott to make his base happy with another gratuitous slap at LGBTQ people.
Chick-fil-A defends donations to antigay groups as ‘a higher calling’
It’s almost as if they know the more they push the issue, the more conservatives will flock to their fast food outlets while progressives beat their chest on social media while still pulling through the drive-thru for some waffle fries.
Montana Attorney General begs Chick-fil-A to open franchises there to protect religious freedom
“Just to be clear, in Montana, beef is king,” Fox added. “But we sure know good food when we taste it.”
A religious right group is using Chick-fil-A to push for legal discrimination against LGBTQ people
Because, of course they are.
Chick-fil-A banned from another airport over continued donations to anti-LGBTQ groups
This makes the second time in a week that the fast food chicken chain has been banned from opening locations in airports over their continued donations to anti-LGBTQ groups.
Texas Attorney General to open investigation into ‘religious discrimination’ against Chick-fil-A
He has also asked U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao to open an investigation into whether the fast food chain’s “religious freedom” was impinged.
This college dean loves Chick-fil-A so much she quit her job when they weren’t allowed on campus
She said her views “mirror” the fast food chain’s and the decision not give them a prime spot on campus felt “like I had been punched in the stomach.”