Fox fires legal analyst Andrew Napolitano after male co-worker sues for sexual harassment
This is the third allegation of same-sex sexual misconduct by Napolitano, who is not out.
Man accuses Lowe’s of ignoring “some of the most egregious harassment one can imagine”
A man accuses his former supervisor of photographing him in the bathroom, slapping his butt, and asking to sexually pleasure him – while others encouraged the behavior and the company did nothing.
“Criminal Minds” execs accused of covering up years of same-sex sexual harassment on set
“The guy’s an ass grabber. He’s a nut grabber. If you dare to question his authority on any particular subject he’ll verbally abuse you right there in front of people.”
A boss who harassed a gay employee will get $100k payout because he’s a Christian
He’s getting a “get out of trouble free” pass because of his religion.
Minister who railed against gay people caught sexually harassing young men
“This can’t be happening. Eric is known as the guy who hates gay people. We’re the church that built our church based on anti-homosexuality.”