The Colorado Springs gay bar shooting happened on Trans Day of Remembrance. They’re connected
Society uses LGBTQ people as fodder for advancing patriarchal Christian white supremacist authoritarian agendas.
Why did white people only start to care about racism now? What gives?
Racist violence has been filmed for decades. Why did so many white people not care until George Floyd was killed?
Who is Independence Day for?
America’s need to showcase her nativist spirit of patriotism comes at the expense of fundamental freedoms and protections.
The #NeverAgain warriors are leading an unarmed revolution history will remember
“Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will.”
Trump’s Frederick Douglass comment proves we still need Black History Month
Recent comments from President Trump and his press secretary have made it unclear the White House actually knows who Frederick Douglass was — and that he’s no longer alive.
American fascism will fail because ‘We the People’ won’t let it win
History shows us that progress, rather than moving forever forward in a linear fashion, deploys more like a continuing stretched out spiral.