The 2024 election is not just Joe Biden vs. Donald Trump. It’s democracy vs autocracy.
1932 marked the last democratically held election in Germany until after World War II. Let’s not make the same mistake.
Narcissistic demagogues will devour this country if we don’t educate ourselves & vote
Democracy demands our personal responsibility to critically examine our politicians so we can make truly informed decisions.
Democrats have lost faith in the political system because of reality, Republicans because of a lie
A new poll finds that Democrats believe the system is stacked against them, while Republicans think the problem is that Donald Trump won the 2020 election.
Gay adult film star Colby Keller is a Communist for Trump
“He’s a reflection of who we are as a people,” Keller says. “That’s what we have to come to terms with.”
What if we actually democratized the electoral system?
“One person, one vote” is an essential and unifying element of our democracy, but unfortunately, it is an ideal rather than the reality.
117 years since love dared to speak its name
LGBTQ people only desire to realize their right to love each other, not impose it on others. Don’t fool yourself, the mob rule of democracy will shift the discussion to a determination of what marriage means for the majority, rather than the protection of minority rights by judicial rule of law. This protection is inherent in the U.S. Constitution, but many religious followers do not understand this, or even when they do, they do not value it or accept it.
Occupy Wall Street — A modern day Stonewall
The Occupy Wall Street protests have spread to other countries. This shows, in no small way, that what happens in America doesn’t necessarily stay in America.
Let ‘freedom to live, love and be happy’ be more than a slogan of our times
Let “freedom to live, love and be happy” be more than just a slogan in the passing of our times. Let it not be our epitaph, but our non-violent resistance to freedom being denied to us all.