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Is Parkland survivor David Hogg about to get Laura Ingraham taken off the air?
After she targeted the mass shooting survivor turned gun reform advocate on Twitter, advertisers are fleeing her show at his urging.
Someone should challenge this GOP candidate who called Parkland survivor a ‘skinhead lesbian’
Leslie Gibson, who is running for the House of Representative in Maine, called another survivor a “baldfaced liar” – and he’s running unopposed.
Students across the country are walking out of school to protest gun violence
Students across the country as saying Never Again to gun violence in a demonstration organized following the school shooting in Parkland, Florida a month ago today.
YouTube is about to ban Alex Jones, Trump’s favorite conspiracy theorist
YouTube didn’t like him calling school shooting survivors “crisis actors.”
Here’s the list of all the companies that have cut ties with the NRA
The NRA shot back, saying the fleeing companies’ decision was “a shameful display of political and civic cowardice.”