Log Cabin held a big shindig at Trump Hotel & no one would talk about Trump
The gay Republican group lined the President’s pockets with their bash, but they wouldn’t even speak his name.
This anti-LGBT bill is what united all the Republican presidential wannabes
Donald Trump supports The First Amendment Defense Act (FADA) would allow for anti-LGBTQ discrimination across the country, and so do some of his biggest backers.
At 4pm EST, Ted Cruz will make a ‘major announcement’
There’s been much speculation as to what he intends to say.
Carly Fiorina ends 2016 Republican bid for President; Chris Christie to follow
Former technology executive Carly Fiorina exited the 2016 Republican presidential race Wednesday; Chris Christie will reportedly follow.
Five GOP candidates to join pastor who thinks AIDS is God’s way of punishing gays
Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina, and Mike Huckabee will be joining two of America’s most outspoken antigay activists.
GOP hopefuls pledge to enshrine anti-gay discrimination into federal law
Six GOP presidential hopefuls have signed a pledge stating that, if elected, would push for passage of federal legislation to protect anyone who discriminates against LGBT Americans under the guise of “religious liberty.”
Six GOP candidates just pledged to make anti-gay discrimination the law
The First Amendment Defense Act, if passed, would make anti-LGBTQ discrimination legal under the banner of “religious liberty.”
Is Ted Cruz the best alternative to Trump that the Republicans have?
Cruz is positioning himself to be the last man standing. Scarily enough, that’s a real possibility.
Scorecard: How the GOP candidates fared in their 2nd debate
Here’s a look at how the eleven Republican candidates for president fared on Wednesday night.
GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina softens stance on same-sex marriage
Fiorina told a blogger Monday that she didn’t support a Constitutional ban on same-sex marriage, but in 2010, however, Fiorina supported such an amendment.