Seabra sentenced to 25 years-to life for grisly murder of celebrity journalist
A judge in Manhattan has sentenced Renato Seabra, a former Portuguese underwear model, to 25 years to life in prison for the the grisly murder of celebrity journalist Carlos Castro in a New York hotel last year.
Portuguese model convicted in grisly murder of celebrity journalist
A jury in New York has convicted Renato Seabra, a former Portuguese model, of the grisly murder of celebrity journalist Carlos Castro in a New York hotel last year, just after the victim had ended their relationship.
Portuguese model will plead insanity in brutal murder of celebrity journalist
The Portuguese model who admitted to the brutal murder of celebrity journalist Carlos Castro in a New York hotel earlier this year, will likely seek an insanity defense.
Portuguese model pleads ‘not guilty’ in brutal slaying of companion
Renato Seabra, the 21-year-old Portuguese model who admitted to the brutal murder of a celebrity journalist Carlos Castro in a New York hotel last month, pleaded “not guilty” in a Manhattan courtroom on Tuesday.
Portuguese model kills companion to cure victim of ‘homosexual demons’
NEW YORK — A Portuguese male model has been charged with second-degree murder in the gruesome attack on prominent Portuguese journalist while the two men were visiting in New York City.