Donald Trump really does believe he has the right to sexually assault women
In a deposition for lawsuit brought by a writer who accused him of rape, Trump says stars have assaulted women for “the last million years.”
Meet the woman who fought to get Christine Blasey Ford heard in the Senate
She worried that “women may never come forward after seeing what happened to Anita Hill.” Now she is helping make that happen.
Kathy Griffin called Ellen a ‘f–king untalented hack’ in a fight over Joan Rivers’ legacy
“You know when you’re fighting with someone and you can kind of laugh at a point? Yeah, not that day.”
How the ‘Christian machine’ destroyed an evangelical writer who denounced Trump
When she supported marriage equality and Black Lives Matter, Christians talked about her like “I had never loved Jesus a day in my life.”
Rose McGowan gives her first speech since accusing Harvey Weinstein of rape
She said that seeing Weinstein’s face everywhere now has been her “nightmare.”
Republicans told Elizabeth Warren to shut up and sit down, and that is violence
49 Republican Senators voted to censure a woman for not following a rule they don’t expect men to follow.
CNN hires Rick ‘Frothy Mix’ Santorum to do political analysis
The notoriously anti-gay former presidential candidate is joining the CNN team as we march into the Trump era.
A ‘furious’ Ellen DeGeneres brought Kathy Griffin to tears
“She was really on a rant,” Griffin said. “After the phone call I literally started sobbing.”
Conservatives defend Trump after he boasts about sexual assault on mic
“Ten-year-old tapes of private conversation with a television talk show host rank very low on [voters] hierarchy of concerns,” said Faith and Freedom Coalition head Ralph Reed.