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Rick Perry tells New Hampshire conservatives: Repeal gay marriage
CONCORD, N.H. — Texas Governor and Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry, campaigning in New Hampshire on Friday, told a conservative advocacy group he applauds the GOP legislators in the state for their efforts to to repeal the state’s same-sex marriage law.
Log Cabin Republicans dissolves Dallas chapter citing credibility issues
The national Log Cabin Republicans organization this week dissolved its Dallas, Texas chapter after a series of issues and missteps by the Dallas chapter’s president, Robert Schlein.
Out service member announces bid for Colorado state House
Army Veteran Brian Carroll on Thursday announced his candidacy for the Colorado State House of Representatives, and is believe to be the first out Armed Forces Veteran in the country to officially file and run for office since the repeal of “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” last month.
Bay Area Reporter: Vote Bevan Dufty for Mayor of San Francisco
SAN FRANCISCO — The Bay Area Reporter has formally endorsed the openly gay San Francisco City Supervisor Bevan Dufty, to become the city’s next mayor.
Committee chairman vows to kill defense bill over policy on gay ceremonies
House Armed Services Committee Chairman Buck McKeon, (R-Calif.) said he will oppose passage of the annual defense authorization bill unless it contains language prohibiting military chaplains from performing same-sex unions, and a provision that would ban terrorism suspects from getting civilian trials in federal courts.
Perdue’s statement on gay marriage shows her true disregard for equality
NC Governor Bev Perdue is an opportunist and a true politician, not only disregarding standing firm for equality, but embracing economic justifications for social policy. The slave-owners of the pre-war South would find much in common with her.
San Diego could be nation’s largest city to elect gay Republican mayor
San Diego could become the nation’s largest to elect an openly gay Republican mayor, as two of the leading GOP contenders in the race for are openly gay, and voters have barely noticed.
Poll: Voters say ‘it’s the economy’ stupid, not gay marriage, family values
Several GOP presidential hopefuls are making appearances this weekend at the Values Voter Summit in Washington — an event that traditionally focuses on faith and social issues — but a new Washington Post/ABC News poll reflects that “family values” and gay marriage are not as important to voters as it is to the candidates.
LGBT History Month profile: Author, political commentator Keith Boykin
Keith Boykin, Commentator b. August 28, 1965 “I’m not on a show with a pink triangle or rainbow flag — which means that being gay is just a part of who I am.” Keith Boykin is a political commentator, a New York Times best-selling author and a veteran of two presidential campaigns. He is the […]
Bevan Dufty’s campaign commercial scares the religious right
The following is a simple commercial from openly gay San Francisco mayoral candidate Bevan Dufty. You’ve probably seen it before but it bears repeating in its proper context. It shows that the loving and raising of children is not something strictly owned by the heterosexual community or a stereotypical nuclear family.