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Christian radio host tells listeners NZ shooter had to ‘take things into his own hands’ to stop Muslims
The American Family Association is one of the largest anti-LGBTQ hate groups masquerading as a Christian charity.
Walmart made a cute ad about a gay couple dating at a store. The right is outraged.
Pat and Andy are just enjoying each other’s company in the ad, but the AFA started a petition to get the ad removed.
Pat Robertson is upset by the Satanic ‘rumor’ that Jesus may have been gay
He says the theological debate is a “lie from the Devil.” He also says he can leg press 2,000 pounds so…
Anti-LGBTQ Fox News pundit accused of sexual abuse by multiple women
In one case, he allegedly convinced the woman to get a tattoo of his initials to signify his “ownership” of her.
Number of hate groups reaches all time high under Trump presidency
The growth is largely fueled by white nationalist groups.
America’s biggest charities are secretly funneling millions to anti-LGBTQ hate groups
Why are these charities funding groups that think homosexuality should be criminalized and support the forced sterilization of trans people?
The hate speech social media site Gab has been caught inflating its user numbers
Gab, a social media site for bigots, may have committed a crime by lying about its user base.
Christian hate group issues Valentine’s Day message: Don’t have sex because Jesus hates that
The group is asking teenagers to wear white on Valentine’s Day to prove they are virgins.
Limbaugh claims if sexuality is found to be genetic, LGBTQ people will become anti-choice
Rush Limbaugh found a novel way to combine the LGBTQ community and abortion rights.
Pastor Franklin Graham defends breaking the 10 Commandments
The son of Billy Graham was asked about Trump’s over 8000 lies. His response was to defend breaking the 9th Commandment.