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Huckabee defends gay conversion therapy, warns gay rights will outlaw Christianity: ‘God Help Us All’
Mike Huckabee has let loose with a litany of falsehoods about how marriage equality will lead to the “criminalization of Christianity,” and went on to defend ex-gay therapy, saying government is barring chaplains from advocating against the “homosexual lifestyle.”
Tom DeLay: Christians must fight for the right to discriminate ‘with every ounce of our being’
Tom DeLay is defending “religious freedom” laws against the attacks from people who “have chosen to be homosexuals,” saying that conservative Christians must be ready to “fight this battle to the bitter end.”
Pat Robertson: No gay marriage because no one ever conceived a child through anal intercourse
Today on “The 700 Club,” Pat Robertson went on one of his patented rants about anal sex, arguing that he will never change his mind about gay marriage until someone proves that anal sex can lead to pregnancy.
Mike Huckabee: Gay community won’t rest until ‘there are no more churches’
Mike Huckabee says the gay community has turned the controversies surrounding “religious freedom” legislation in Arkansas and Indiana into a “phony crisis.”
Rand Paul: Same-sex marriage is the result of a ‘moral crisis’ in America
“Don’t always look to Washington to solve anything. In fact, the moral crisis we have in our country, there is a role for us trying to figure out things like marriage…”
Ted Cruz vows to ‘uphold the sacrament of marriage’ as president
After pledging to “stand up for the First Amendment rights of every American,” Ted Cruz said he would “defend the sanctity of human life and uphold the sacrament of marriage.”
Oklahoma lawmaker: ‘Gays don’t have a right to be served in every single store’
Oklahoma state Sen. Joseph Silk says LGBT activists do not want people to be able to exercise their religious convictions.
Scott Lively: Homosexuality is ‘worse than murder and worse than genocide’
America is about to cross “a line with God that hasn’t occurred in the entire history of the world since Noah’s flood.”
Pat Robertson urges parents not to attend their gay child’s wedding
“I would tell your child, ‘I love you but I cannot condone this. We will always love you but I don’t condone this activity.'”
Benham Brothers: Satan is behind homosexuality, same‑sex marriage
Jason and David Benham have been making the rounds of conservative media outlets this week to promote their new book, “Whatever The Cost,” which gives their opinion on losing their planned HGTV reality show after being exposed as extreme anti-gay activists.