Hagel could have ended the military’s transgender exclusion
Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel’s resignation under pressure is a setback to the effort to end the military exclusion of transgender service personnel.
No silence of the trans: Bigoted shouts losing ground in march toward equality
Former Oklahoma GOP Congressman Ernest Istook, a broadcaster and lawyer before entering Congress, has returned to broadcast and print journalism for the conservative press with a recent two-part analysis of the transgender community. He is not happy with the community’s social progress.
Roll over, Jesse: Gay marriage ushers in new era in the state of ‘Senator Hate’
During his stellar career of hate politics, the late U.S. Sen. Jesse Helms (R-N.C.), in a televised interview brought up his favorite subject: homosexuals. They were his favorite subject because he enjoyed insulting them in the crudest terms. He often boasted if disliking homosexuals made him a bigot, so be it. He was proud of it. Helms was a unique politician. He stood alone in his public pride for his bigotry against LGBT people, and invoked similar bigotry in others…
Marriage equality: Let freedom, and wedding bells, ring
The thing that is surprising is why it has taken so many decades to arrive at marriage equality. The lesbian moms and gay dads and their children of the 1960s were the leaders in same-sex marriage and family issues. History largely does not remember them. From the 1960s to the 1990s, the gay community, as a whole, was more interested in sexual liberation in dark alleys and other dangerous and unhealthy places than in marriage equality…