News (USA)

GOP mailer bashed Ted Cruz’s opponent for letting a trans girl play girls sports. It was all lies.

U.S. Senator Ted Cruz speaking with attendees at the 2022 Student Action Summit at the Tampa Convention Center in Tampa, Florida.
U.S. Senator Ted Cruz speaking with attendees at the 2022 Student Action Summit at the Tampa Convention Center in Tampa, Florida. Photo: Gage Skidmore

A recent mailer from the Texas GOP is being criticized for inaccurately representing the story of a trans man, who is a former high school wrestler.

The mailer attacks Rep. Colin Allred (D-TX) – who is currently challenging Ted Cruz’s (R-TX) Senate seat – by sharing a blurred image of Mack Beggs when he was an out trans boy forced to compete in girls’ sports. The text reads, “Colin Allred failed to protect women’s sports, supporting boys competing with girls.”

But Beggs had fought to compete with boys.

The Texas University Interscholastic League, which regulates public schools’ sports leagues, prevented him from participating on boys’ sports teams due to the gender marker on his birth certificate. During his time on girls’ wrestling teams, Beggs was in the middle of medically transitioning, taking testosterone.

He was then targeted by opponents of trans rights for competing at all, including when he won state championships in 2017 and 2018.

Rep. Allred has voted in favor of trans inclusion in sports, opposing bills that would have restricted trans women from participating on women’s sports teams.

The recent depiction Beggs in the mailer has him worried for his and his family’s safety. “How they’re using my photo, it’s just very misleading. It’s not OK,” he said, according to the Houston Chronicle. He’s currently seeking legal guidance from the American Civil Liberties Union.

“The Republican State of Texas Government has decided to USE my image for yet again one of their political campaigns,” Beggs wrote on Instagram. “I have already had a few people let me know about this campaign ad paid for and by the Republican Party in TX.


The fact they are STILL using my story and FACE for their political agendas. It’s sickening at this point.”

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