
Bonkers Trumper Laura Loomer called Lindsay Graham gay for pointing out how racist she is

Republican congressional candidate Laura Loomer speaks at an election night event at the airport Hilton in West Palm Beach, August 18, 2020. Loomer is one of five GOP candidates hoping to secure the nomination in the primary on Aug. 18. The winner will challenge the winner of Democratic primary between incumbent U.S. Rep. Lois Frankel and Guido Weiss in the November general election. [ALLEN EYESTONE/]
Republican congressional candidate Laura Loomer speaks at an election night event at the airport Hilton in West Palm Beach, August 18, 2020. Loomer is one of five GOP candidates hoping to secure the nomination in the primary on Aug. 18. The winner will challenge the winner of Democratic primary between incumbent U.S. Rep. Lois Frankel and Guido Weiss in the November general election. [ALLEN EYESTONE/] Photo: Allen Eyestone / USA TODAY NETWORK via Imagn Images

Three days after Donald Trump’s disqualifying performance at his debate with Kamala Harris on Tuesday night, cracks in the facade of his crumbling campaign are exposing bitterness, division and despair among his most ardent supporters.

The Republican nominee can thank Laura Loomer for a lot of it.

Loomer, an avowed 9/11 conspiracy theorist who has spent years hurling homophobic slurs and antisemitic tropes from her internet perch, has until now been a fringe figure only vaguely associated with the Trump campaign.

But in recent days, the 31-year-old conservative influencer has filled a vacuum left by the former president’s discarded advisors , the absence of Melania Trump and the disappearance of the candidate’s once-shrewd political instincts.

As Trump’s least loyal supporters race for the exits—including his wife, who recently described Mar-a-Lago as “a swamp” —Loomer has filled the void, becoming a constant companion to the former president on the campaign trail and at Trump’s Palm Beach retreat, where she has reportedly taken up residence.

Trump is well known for being influenced by the last person he speaks to. According to campaign insiders, Loomer now never leaves his side.

The right-wing activist’s noxious brand went widespread two days before the debate when she tweeted that the White House will “smell like curry” if Kamala Harris prevails in November, a vile reference to Harris’ half-Indian upbringing.

That racist outburst compelled Trump’s fair-weather fanboy Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-SC) to publicly warn the Republican candidate that Loomer is “toxic” and her proximity to Trump isn’t “helpful at all.

“What she said about Kamala Harris and the White House is abhorrent, but it’s deeper than that,” Graham told reporters. “I think that the president would serve himself well to make sure this doesn’t become a bigger story.”

Too late for that—Loomer went for Graham’s gay jugular.

“When is Lindsey coming out of the closet?” Loomer posted soon after Graham dared to disparage her. “We all know you’re Gay, Lindsey…. And that’s ok. It’s ok. It’s 2024. There’s nothing wrong with Gay people.”

“Just be honest about it,” she added. “Nobody is going to judge you for being open about who you are.”

Her sarcasm dripped like acid from an Alien.

Another devoted Trump supporter begging the former president to cut Loomer loose: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), who has called Loomer “mentally unstable and a documented liar” and her rhetoric a “huge problem.”

Coming from one of the most toxic bomb-throwers in Washington, that’s saying something.

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