
This week on LGBTQ Twitter: The most authentic Pride Month merch

This week on LGBTQ Twitter: The most authentic Pride Month merch

It’s Pride Month, which means it’s time for corporations to remind us that they want our money.

Related: Unilever is skipping rainbow merchandise & Pride floats. They’d rather make an actual difference

And influencers team up with corporations in an effort to lend legitimacy.

To be fair, Home Depot carries some of the most authentic Pride merch.

But we know the real deal when we see it. Case in point: Bisexual icon Wonder Woman. Lynda Carter not only defended her character’s bisexuality, she also showed off her “fight your homophobic relatives” pose.

And while the corporations rainbow it up, some of us have mastered the art of telling the world we’re gay without saying “I’m gay.”

Of course, there’s a difference between subtle innuendo and outright denial. Fortunately, George Takei is here to encourage reticent gays like Christian Walker.


Cause let’s be real, the louder you say you’re NOT GAY, the more likely that you actually are.

Stay gay.



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