
Have you voted for your hero yet? There are only a few days left!

Pamela Karlan, Lil Nas X, Aydian Dowling, Billy Porter, Dallas Ducar, Pete Buttigieg, Jasmyne Cannick, Manny MUA
Photo: Shutterstock/Wiki/Provided/Composite

The LGBTQ Nation is filled with heroes – and we’re ready to honor them.

But with so many potential honorees we had to winnow it down a little. Now it’s time for you to help us choose the final winners.

We picked eight categories that represent different kinds of people who are doing important work, and they truly reflect the best of our community.

Heroes who want to make the world a better place for people like us. Heroes who use their power or their platforms to educate and influence. Heroes who help others around them in their communities. Heroes who decide to take a stand for people who can’t stand up for themselves just yet.

You can vote in:

Readers can vote for who they think best represented what it is to be a hero in each category once each day until September 30. One vote is allowed per device per day. Winners will be announced shortly after voting is closed, along with the Hometown Hero chosen from the nominees submitted by readers in August.

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