
“Karens” nationwide got put on notice with this new version of Dolly Parton’s “Jolene”

June 28, 2016 Dolly Parton performs in Pittsburgh Tuesday, June 28 at Consol Energy Center.
June 28, 2016 Dolly Parton performs in Pittsburgh Tuesday, June 28 at Consol Energy Center. Photo: Shutterstock

The Late Show with Stephen Colbert is blasting “Karens” nationwide and gay icon Dolly Parton is part of the act – whether she wants to be or not.

Set to Parton’s hit “Jolene,” the show tweaked the words a wee bit to change it from a lover’s lament to an epic smackdown of the white women in the news whining about their “right” to speak to the manager.

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In real life, the country singer read books to kids on social media to help comfort them during the global coronavirus pandemic.

“I think it is pretty clear that now is the time to share a story and to share some love,” Parton said at the time.

The singer has also made recent headlines as Tennessee legislators search for a replacement for a memorial to former Klu Klux Klan leader and former Confederate soldier Nathan Bedford Forrest. Parton is a candidate.

If chosen, a statue of Parton, known for steering clear of politics and bringing her sassy brand of cheerful love for all, would stand in the Tennessee Capitol building.

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