
The symbolic meanings behind the rainbow explained in 60 seconds

Sacha Coward
Sacha Coward Photo: Screenshot

The #MuseumFromHome initiative has staff and curators taking to the web to talk about items in their collection or their areas of expertise – and out exhibit designer Sacha Coward is one of the most popular.

Every day of the lockdown Coward has produced a 60-second video highlighting a different topic, but his quick hit on the symbolism behind the rainbow is a standout.

Related: Creationists aim to ‘take the rainbow back’ by lighting a replica of Noah’s ark

While Christians frequently complain that LGBTQ people “stole” the rainbow from them, Coward breaks down different cultures’ beliefs about the rainbow and what it symbolized to them.

Christians believe God created the first rainbow as a promise never to kill everyone on earth again with a flood. No guarantees were given about plagues.

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