News (USA)

GOP plan to keep attacking Democrats for being cool continues to backfire

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez dancing
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez dancing Photo: Screenshot

After a Twitter troll tried to make newly elected Congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez look stupid by releasing a clipped video of her dancing on a rooftop in college, the progressive firebrand has gained even more popularity.

Just like when Texas Senator Ted Cruz’s campaign tried to portray challenge Beto O’Rourke as a party animal by releasing video of him performing with a punk band and looking like a typical college student, the attempt backfired spectacularly.

Twitter user @AnonymousQ1776 called the Congresswoman a “clueless nitwit” and “America’s favorite commie-know-it-all” in the tweet. After the plan to embarrass her exploded, the user deleted the entire account.

The video was part of a larger 2010 piece, the “Boston University Brat Pack Mashup,” filmed when she was a student .Ocasio-Cortez was recreating the dance scene from “The Breakfast Club” alongside other students. Similar videos were a viral trend at the time.

But after the tweet was sent, the web didn’t waste a moment responding to the ridiculous “slam.”

Comedian Joseph Scrimshaw may have put it best when he quipped, “Anyone who thinks video of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez dancing as a teen will derail her political career will be devastated by video of Trump speaking as an adult.”

The complete video is at the bottom of this post.

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