
CNN’s White House reporter apologizes for anti-LGBTQ tweets

Photo: Screenshot/CNN

A CNN journalist has apologized for using anti-LGBTQ language when she was in college.

On Monday, the Log Cabin Republicans posted two tweets that CNN reporter Kaitlan Collins tweeted in 2011.

In one, she refers to someone as a “fag.” In the other, she expresses discomfort with the idea of sharing a room with a lesbian.

Within an hour of the LCR’s tweet, Collins had apologized.

“When I was in college, I used ignorant language in a few tweets to my friends,” she wrote. “It was immature but it doesn’t represent the way I feel at all. I regret it and apologize.”

Her apology tweet has been liked over 10,000 times.

Many conservatives on Twitter responded by comparing her comments to Christine Blasey Ford’s accusation that Brett Kavanaugh tried to rape her when she was 15-years-old.

Collins previously worked for The Daily Caller, a far-right website founded by Tucker Carlson, and is originally from Alabama.

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