
Gay journalist calls out Superman for being a bad LGBTQ ally in an epic Twitter feud

Tweet from Geoff Casavant: "Apparently it is possible to tug on Superman's cape, but most definitely do not mess around with @bilerico"
When Dean Cain and LGBTQ Nation editor Bil Browning got into a Twitter feud over Cain's attack on LGBTQ people, followers quickly took sides. Photo: Twitter

Dean Cain defended his decision to speak at an anti-LGBTQ hate group on Twitter yesterday.

Over the weekend, Cain, who played Superman on a television show in the 90’s, spoke at the Value Voters Summit, which is organized by the Family Research Council (FRC).

FRC is one of the most toxic anti-LGBTQ hate groups in the country. The organization repeatedly calls gay men pedophiles, produces fake “research” that “proves” that LGBTQ people are inferior to straight people, and employs people who call for the criminalization of homosexuality. At the conference, he called LGBTQ activists “intolerant.”

Yesterday, LGBTQ Nation published a post about the controversy, as well as a quote from Cain’s comments at the FRC event about how “intolerant” his critics are.

“I take that sort of heat and abuse every single day but it doesn’t bother me in the least,” he said. “It doesn’t make me mad, it just shows people’s intolerance towards listening to another opinion. Just the fact that I’m here, just the fact that I’m here people were blowing me up all day long with the most ridiculous things that you could ever hear.”

After that piece was published, Cain tweeted it’s not “bashing” to call LGBTQ people intolerant for not tolerating hate directed at them.

“I never said that,” he tweeted. “I had pressure come from many groups: pro-life folks, pro-choice folks, anti-Hollywood folks, anti-religion folks, religious folks, some LBGTQ folks, and SPLC folks. I stand by what I said.”

So LGBTQ Nation editor Bil Browning broke it down for him. Browning wrote the article Cain was responding to on the social media site and sent the actor the direct quote from the article before starting with his own thoughts.

Browning also called out Cain for not criticizing FRC for their toxic views.

Cain said he was ignorant of their views. When he was told that they want to legalize anti-LGBTQ discrimination, he brought up Muslim bakers (implying that anti-discrimination laws are just an attack on Christians and no one would be bothered if a Muslim discriminated).

When it comes to transgender people’s access to restrooms, Cain’s response was, uh, not exactly supportive.

But Cain was willing to take the bold stance that homosexuality should not be outlawed.

Cain spent the better part of the day responding to various articles about his comments on Twitter and basking in praise from the far-right.

For example, he retweeted a contributor to Alex Jones’s InfoWars who brought up the “gay mafia.”

While Cain might not be all that familiar with FRC’s positions, his position on how it’s actually LGBTQ activists who are intolerant of hate groups is one that he shares with FRC president Tony Perkins.

In 2011, he called “homosexual” activists “intolerant, they’re hateful, vile, they’re spiteful,” because these sorts of people just can’t stand it when people they hate stand up to them.

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