
Mike Pence believes God told him he’s the ‘president-in-waiting’

Mike Pence on the campaign trail
FILE -In this Sept. 30, 2016 file photo, Republican vice presidential candidate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence speaks in Fort Wayne, Ind. Pence musters all of his Midwestern earnestness as he describes Donald Trump as “a man of faith.” He says the Republican nominee is “a man I’ve prayed with and gotten to know on a personal level.” The description, in an interview with The Associated Press, stands in sharp relief to Trump's public profile over much of his career: a twice-divorced former playboy who has boasted of his sexual exploits, flaunted his wealth, used crass insults and made sweeping generalizations about whole races. Photo: (AP Photo/Darron Cummings, File)

Donald Trump’s biographer Michael D’Antonio has a new book on Mike Pence called The Shadow President.

D’Antonio was on CNN to promote the book, and he said that Pence believes God wants him to be the “president-in-waiting.”

“He actually sort of heard in his being God’s direction and he thought that God was calling him to now be vice president and function as a president-in-waiting,” he said.

He said that Pence is setting himself up for a presidential run in 2020.

“I think he’s positioning himself to be ‘the normal guy,’ the guy you can trust,” he said.

“And he is out across the country, continuously now, promoting the president’s agenda but really promoting the development of his own network. He developed a PAC before any vice president ever did. His infrastructure for running for office is complete. So should Trump stumble, should he decide not to run again, Pence 2020 would be an automatic thing.”

The biographer added that Pence is a “divisive figure” and called him “the most successful Christian supremacist in American history.”

“Mike Pence goes around saying, ‘I’m a Christian, I’m a conservative, and I’m a Republican, in that order,'” he said. “He doesn’t say, ‘I’m an American’.”

“I think he’s a very divisive figure. He would like to impose a religiously inspired politics on our country that means rolling back marriage equality, that means a ban on abortion, a whole host of policies that are religiously driven.”

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