If there’s anything good about living in the Trump era, it’s that the absurdity of the Orange One’s ascendancy to the oval office has inspired some of the most creative protests we’ve seen in a while.
Donald Trump may bring out the worst in his supporters, but his presidency has inspired opponents of his far-right agenda to express their resistance in some provocative and often hilarious ways.
Here are some of the most creative protests we’ve seen thus far under the Trump regime.
Publix Die-in
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In the wake of the mass shooting at their school, students of Parkland’s Stoneman Douglas high school have proven some of the savviest protestors of the Trump era.
Most recently, Parkland survivor David Hogg got the Publix grocery store chain to suspend its political contributions by borrowing a page from ACT-UP’s playbook. Hogg organized a “die-in” to protest Publix support of National Rifle Association backer Adam Putnam for governor.
Protesters against a Republican health bill staged a similar protest outside Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s office last year.
“Shithole” Projected on Trump Hotel
In response to Trump’s anti-immigration comments about “shithole countries,” the word “shithole” was projected onto the entrance of Trump International Hotel in Washington, DC.
Genderqueer Senior Trolls DeVos
Eighth-grader genderqueer student Torin Hodgman would not be silenced when Education Secretary Betsy DeVos visited Michigan’s Grand Rapids Public Museum School.
Hodgeman wanted to ask a question: What is DeVos doing to ensure schools are safe learning environments for LGBT students and others who are questioning their gender identity? Since they didn’t get to pose that question, Hodgeman quietly trolled DeVos by wearing a homemade Transgender Pride cape.
7,000 Pairs of Shoes on Capitol Lawn
In March, activists placed 7,000 pairs of shoes on the lawn outside the Capitol in Washington, DC, to push Congress on gun control. The demonstration was based on American Academy of Pediatrics research which found that 1,300 children die annually from gunshot wounds in the U.S.
Right now at the US capitol. #NotOneMore #NeverAgain pic.twitter.com/lUEGRg2VO5
— Avaaz (@Avaaz) March 13, 2018
Queer Dance Parties
Who says protests can’t be fun? Just in time for Trump’s inauguration, an activist group known as the DC Welcoming Committee planned a queer dance party outside the home of then-vice-president-elect Mike Pence, to protest Pence’s well-known anti-LGBTQ sentiments.
On April 1, 2017, activist group WERK for Peace combined partying with protesting by staging a queer dance party in Ivanka Trump’s neighborhood, to oppose Trump’s Executive Order rolling back environmental regulations and slashing funding to the EPA.
Outside Ivanka Trump's house – "Ivanka, come dance!" (also SecState Tillerson lives across the street) pic.twitter.com/MB4Vd7Uxe8
— Alejandro Alvarez (@aletweetsnews) April 1, 2017
Greenpeace Banner
Days after Trump’s inauguration, Greenpeace activists deployed a 70-foot by 35-foot banner of the word “Resist” above the White House.
Trump Tape on Loop
On October 6, 2017, Robby Diesu directed a trailer to a spot near the Washington Monument, with a good sightline to the White House. He and his crew set up a 160-square-foot video screen, hooked it up to a laptop and pressed play. For the next 12 hours, the infamous tape of Trump’s “grab ’em by the pussy” hot mic remarks from “Access Hollywood” played on a constant loop.
Tutus for Equality
Supporters of LGBTQ equality wore tutus in Wyoming wore tutus in protest of Sen. Mike Enzi’s comment that men who wear tutus into bars are asking to be assaulted. Straight men all over the state are going to be joining their LGBTQ siblings and wearing tutu’s, buying their queer friends drinks and having a great time,” Equality Wyoming’s Sara Burlingame wrote.
Inflatable Trump Chicken
In August 2017, Taran Singh Brar inflated a 30-foot inflatable chicken, with a bouffant orange coif, outside the White House to protest Trump’s “chicken-hawk” foreign policy.
Trump Huts
When the Republican National Convention came to Cleveland, Ohio to nominate Donald Trump, advertising partners Tommy Noonan and Douglas Cameron created the Trump Hut to shed light on the issue of income inequality, which they believed would grow if he was elected. The Trump hut is a structure based on the then-presumptive nominee’s iconic hair.
Honorable Mention: Bagpipes for Equality
Students and faculty at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh were not having it when Westboro Baptist Church announced a protest at their school. They brought out bagpipes to drown out the protestors and drove them off the campus.
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Here are the 10 most creative protests of the Trump era so far