Scott Lively is best known to LGBTQ Nation readers as the far right preacher who went on trial for crimes against humanity for his role in pushing Uganda’s “Kill The Gays” law. He’s also a Massachusetts gubernatorial candidate.
Lively is obsessed with LGBT people and issues while steadfastly defending his own heterosexuality. Because, of course, any straight man obsessed with gay sex is heterosexual.
Related: Scott Lively claims accepting gay people is a ‘dress rehearsal’ for the apocalypse
Lively ran for governor in the last election too as an independent. He lost handily.
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This time around, he’s aiming for a new base of support: closet cases and conservative gays. No, seriously.
“There are a great many conservative homosexuals in our society today whom we never hear from. Why? Because they are conservative in manner as well as in political ideology,” writes in an email to his supporters. “They believe, as conservatives have always believed, that sexuality is a mostly private matter, and just want to be left alone to live their lives in peace.”
“The people they fear the most are not ‘homophobes,’ but ‘gays’ who insist that all homosexuals be leftists and ‘come out of the closet’ to join the ‘gay pride’ parade — actively hunting them like fugitive criminals to ‘out’ them in a humiliating manner if they resist or (if they are politicians) dare to vote against ‘gay’ progressive goals.”
Related: Appeals court rules ‘crimes against humanity’ case against Scott Lively can proceed
Despite his history of spreading hate around the world and advocating for a law that would condemn gay people to death, Lively insists he has no problem with gays. Or, of course, gay sex. Because, you know.
“To be honest, I’ve never experienced same-sex attraction, and am a happily married heterosexual, but if you want to believe otherwise, and if that helps me better advocate for the voiceless, so be it.”
“My problem with the ‘gay’ political agenda isn’t really homosexuality — it is Cultural Marxism that exploits homosexuals’ understandable desire for tolerance and weaponizes it to disrupt family based society and replace it with statism,” Lively writes.
“To be clear, I don’t endorse homosexuality but I tolerate discrete consensual adult relationships because I love people, respect free will, and know that my pastoral counseling on the subject will be more welcomed if it is not seen as hateful (which is why the left always calls it hate to drive wedges and poison ‘gays’ against Christians).”
Related: Meet Colton Buckley, the other gay Trump supporter running for office
Lively’s love includes saying homosexuality is “the most egregious form of rebellion against God” and is a sin that is “worse than murder and worse than genocide.”
“It’s not just another sin,” he said at the time. “It’s really a harbinger of the judgment of God … The celebration by the society [of homosexuality] is a harbinger of the wrath of God.”
If any homos actually fall for Lively’s schtick, they’re even dumber than the queer Trump supporters.
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