
Stormy Daniels’ clapbacks to Trump supporters will leave you howling

Donald Trump/Stormy Daniels
Photo: White House/Alan via Wikimedia Commons (CC license 3.0)

Not only does she give a fantastically better “60 Minutes” interview than Betsy DeVos, Stormy Daniels is also the undisputed queen of Twitter clapbacks.

The adult film star takes all comers (pun not intended), and send trolls home with their tails between their legs. Along with Vladimir Putin, Stormy Daniels is one of the only people Donald Trump hasn’t attacked on Twitter. That’s because he knows he’ll get another spanking!

Perhaps Ms. Daniels puts it best herself.

Here are some of Ms. Daniels’ best Twitter moments of late.

No wonder Trump’s leaving Stormy Daniels alone on Twitter. He couldn’t possibly keep up!

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