
Religious right leader’s estate sale had gay erotic art hanging in his home

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UPDATE: The art was not owned by Lee LaHaye. It was part of the estate sale, but was being sold on consignment for another seller. The painting, “Untitled (Double),” by British artist Kitty Blandy, remains for sale.

When journalist John Aravosis stopped by an estate sale in Washington DC, he was shocked to find a gay erotic painting hanging in the living room. But when he found out who the now-deceased owner of the condo was, he was blown away.

The “Matisse-like” painting features three men having anal sex. Hanging in the home of Lee LaHaye, the former Chief Financial Officer for the virulently anti-LGBT organization Concerned Women for America, the painting was for sale along with belongings from LaHaye’s estate.

LaHaye was the youngest son of the organization’s founder and chair, Beverly LaHaye, and Timothy LaHaye, the author of the apocalyptic Christian horror Left Behind books.

LaHaye’s husband, a 30-something man he met and married last year, wasn’t at the home during the sale. Sadly, LaHaye never came out publicly but never denied his sexuality either.

Listen to Aravosis talk about his dumbfounding discovery at the bottom of this post. Subscribe to the podcast for more political and cultural commentary and consider becoming a supporter via Patreon.

Art hanging in the former home of Lee LaHaye. John Aravosis
Art hanging in the former home of Lee LaHaye. John Aravosis

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