
Milo Yiannopoulos lies about his house getting destroyed by Hurricane Irma

Milo Yiannopoulos
Photo: YouTube/HBO

Just when you think Milo Yiannopoulos can’t get any lower, he finds a new shovel.

Yiannopoulos had been mocking those affected by Hurricane Irma, with oh-so-hilarious zingers like, “In more positive Irma news, Richard Branson’s Necker Island has been devastated,” and, “Irma is about to finish what Hillary started: leaving Haiti in ruins.”

The former Breitbart editor, who was forced to resign after comments he made appeared to defend pedophilia, appeared to get smacked in the face by karma when he posted that his house had also been destroyed by the monster storm.

Yiannopoulos shared a photo of a destroyed house on Facebook with the caption, “MY HOUSE IS GONE.”

The Miami Herald wisely chose not to just take his word for it, and discovered it appears he made the whole thing up.

The paper checked on the residence, and found that it “does most definitely not belong to Yiannopoulos.”

“Reporter David Smiley spoke to a neighbor who witnessed the drama unfold and it turns out the property belongs to a guy named Gerard Duhart, who had evacuated ahead of the storm,” the paper reports.

“So no, this wreck of a place does not belong to Milo, so don’t be fooled and DON’T FEEL BAD FOR HIM.”

It’s okay, we didn’t feel bad for him to begin with anyway.

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